I have been to a ton of movies in the last two weeks, because this is my favorite season for the movies. I'm hardly even finished, with my movie going! With The Golden Globes, The SAG Awards, and Oscars around the corner, I have to see as much as possible. Now is the time when all of the no frills, great acting, movies are released. I go to the gym, and when i come out, I walk down to the movies! Here are some of my movie thoughts, thus, far:
The Brothers
Jake Gyllenhaal, and Toby Mcquire are superb actors, and there performances are worth seeing! However, the movie itself is not so good. All the best parts of the movie you see on the previews, which I hate when they give to much away. The ending of the movie for me, was very disappointing! I thought to myself "is this it"? There is a new star in our midst in this movie, and her name is Bailee Madison. This little girl is the new child actress of our future, and she does some beautiful work in this flick!
Everybody Fine
I said, when I saw the previews for this movie, that I would rent it. It did not look that interesting to me. Why did I leave this movie filled with tears, and loving this simple story. It was so beautiful and Robert De Niro is brilliant as always. Such a tender role, and his mannerism was so familiar to me. I know this lonely old guy, and his performance was so touching! Such a sweet beautiful movie!
Well you know I already talked about Precious, and you have to know that this is the best movie of this year, hands down. I don't know if anything will touch this movie for me, but the race is still on! Monique's performance alone is worth more than the twelve dollars and fifty cents you pay in New York City for a movie! This movie is so heart wrenching, and you have to go with your Kleenex box ready at your arm at all times.
A Single Man
One of the most beautiful movies that I have ever seen, However, so dark, but simple and pure. Colin Firth gives a gorgeous performance! The supporting actors in it, are all super models in there looks, but so talented. The style and mood of the film is so artsy, and I enjoyed the feeling of the direction. I can't forget one of the best actresses who has been robbed in years to past, of an Oscar, (Being Julia) in my opinion Mrs. Julianne Moore! Her performance is stellar as well!
An Education
A must see at the movie theaters. I loved this tale, and all the performances were astounding! There is nothing more to say but go see this movie!
Up In The Air
I didn't care, and critics love this movie! People are obsessed, and it got nominated for so many awards already. I was bored, I found myself checking my facebook during this movie! Looking into space, wondering when it was going to end. I predicted most of the movie actually! BORING!!!! I can see how people find this movie interesting, but an award winner???? Hmmm, maybe it is just me, but I have to pass. George Clooney was great as always! I hated Anna Kendrick in this movie, and found her acting to be so NOT honest!!!!!! She could have made some of the funny choices she made, and it would have been better, if she believed them! HIDEOUS! On a happy note Vera Farmiga was so amazing and captivating on screen. Go see this movie at your own risk, I predict many awards for it, but I will be watching in disappointment!