Sunday, October 3, 2010

"The Mosque" at Ground Zero

I just think it is ridiculous to think that in America that anyone can't build where they want, no matter what there religious beliefs. I feel that we are being bigots, if we think that all Islamic and or Muslims are terrorist. I believe that if we don't build this mosque the terrorist win. This is America the land of the free, and I personally would love to have a beautiful mosque next to the new ground zero. We have a small little mosque around the corner from me in Brooklyn, and when I walk by it, I feel nothing but peace. I sometimes glare into the windows, and watch the faithful people kneel and pray. I don't have the same beliefs, but I sometimes wish, we as Christians were as dedicated to our GOD! The peace, faith, and power the mosque symbolizes is not at all what people FEAR. I live in New York City, and have lived threw the 9/11 terror attacks, and it is now time for us to build up and move on. FEAR is not the answer, peace, love, non-judgement is the answer. I pray that we can all live together, with no hate, and fear! BUILD THIS MOSQUE, AND LET'S END HATE! Let's not judge because, a group of Muslims are terrorist. Not all Islamic people are haters, and that is just like any faith, there are good and bad people in all beliefs. GET OVER YOURSELF AMERICA, I'M APPALLED WE ARE EVEN HAVING THIS DEBATE!

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