Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Frustrated Friend

I have some amazing friends, with great personalities! I love them to pieces, but sometimes, they make some foolish decisions. Not all of them, but I have a couple that stick out like a sore thumb. Who am I to judge them???? That is what I'm there for to be supportive and listen to there problems. I try so hard to do that, and be a lending ear. I'm sure I make dumb mistakes, but I would want my friends to tell me. I usually have a great head on my shoulders, and can figure out wrong from right! What do you do when your friend makes a crazy stupid, immature mistake? But they don't really view it as a mistake. You know why they do what they do? To fill some sort of void in there life, but they are playing with fire! How do you stay friends with someone you love, and they start acting crazy?. I wish I wasn't such a good friend, or I would post what happened for the world to see. Well, I have to keep it to myself. Just bad decision making,(that is all I will say) and I try not to get emotionally involved. At the end of the day it is there life. They don't want to listen to me, because they know what they are doing to there life is so wrong! Do I just sit and listen? What if I'm so sick of it, that I don't wanna listen anymore? Sorry for the vague and weird blog entry. I'm just so frustrated!!!! This has happen to me before in the past, and I told them how I felt, and lost them. Don't want that to happen again. I can't support them, so do I just keep quiet? Or do I let them go down the wrong path? So frustrated these days, with a friend... I guess all I can do is pray for the light to shine??? URGH FRUSTRATED!!!!!


  1. Oh friend. I'm sorry for you, mostly because I have been that friend who is crazy, acting a fool, making obvious mistakes! ;-) If you've said your peace to your friend, then that's all you can do. Whether you lose your friend or not, that's up to them, they'll be the one walking away.

    I wish you were my friend years and years ago. Maybe your sense would have rubbed off on me! :-)

  2. Yeah, this is a tough one. I would say if the situation is really bad, then you could say something in love--you know, like, "I care about you so much, I just don't want to see you hurt in all this."

    I've had conversations like that and they've listened--but it sure isn't easy. I will pray for you!
