A young African American boy around the age of 14 moves into a new neighborhood. The neighborhood, is separated by a street from the African American Middle Class, to the Caucasian Middle Class, the name of the street in Pittsburgh is McNary Boulevard. The boy lived right smack in the middle, if he walked down the street to the right, he was in a beautiful suburban mostly Caucasian neighborhood. If he walked to the left, he was in a neighborhood, where African Americans had a pretty big house, but it was in the hood. Same street, but two different areas, The Caucasian area of the street was called Blackridge, and the African American area was called Wilkinsburg!
The boy takes a late walk around 2am in the morning, on his own street, on the Caucasian side of the street. The police drive by, stop there car, pull up, and stop the young man. "What are you doing here", the officer yells. The boy says "Oh just taking a walk, I can't sleep"! The cops come out the car, and yells, "Let me see some identification". "sure", the boy says nicely! The officer looks at the I.D. with the boys address on it, which so happens to be the same street that he is walking on. The officer pushes the boy against his car, and searches him. The young boy is scared, furious, and upset! The cop says abruptly, " You shouldn't walk around the streets this late at night, people think you are up to something"! The boy says "But I only live a block away, you can see my house from here"! The officer tells the boy to go home, and don't take a walk on his own street at 2am!
Therefore, when the same basic thing happens in the year 2009 to a Harvard Professor, Henry Louis Gates, I can understand his fury! The officer claims he was reported a intruder was in the neighborhood. Mr. Gates shows the man his I.D., with his address clearly stating that he lives there. Mr. Gates was booked and arrested. The officer claims, He was loud, rowdy and cursing at him. Well wouldn't you? When this has been happening for years in your life. For doing nothing wrong, at some point you just can't take it anymore. I think if this situation happened to me again, I would be rowdy, upset, and causing a stink. The ironic thing is that he is a Harvard professor, with so much power, intellect, and respectability within his community. I'm a little furious just writing this blog. IF you can't understand why "WE" as African Americans are so angry at times. Here is the reason.....