Tuesday, May 18, 2010


On Sunday I went to hear a dear friend by the name of Key, sing at a club called Ella's Lounge in the East Village. She has inspired me to start this four day blog series, in which she will be the first. This week I will blog about close friends, that I think, are so gifted, that the world has to watch out! These are friends that will contribute and change the world with there talent. I believe in them whole heartily, and I am glad to blog about there artistry.

Key has an distinctive sound, if you were to turn on the radio you would know her voice. Some may compare her to Errika badu or Corrine Bailey Rae, but I just hear Key! Her stage presence was so impressive, from the outfit, the hair, and the limp wrist through out her whole performance. Channeling the late Billie Holiday, but without the drugs. If you look into Key's eyes, you can see the soul of her music transformed in her spirit. This is what I love in a artist, is a connection, cause if you feel it, then we will feel it. The audience definitely felt it, as they screamed, hooted, and ranted for more songs. She sang eight songs, and and no one wanted to leave the venue until she blessed us with another note. This is a undeniable talent, and I think you should all check her out. To find out more information about Key you can check her out on twitter @ladyplum. She is also a blogger and you can follow her at www.ladyplum.wordpress.com! KEY HUGGINS, DON'T SLEEP ON HER, A STAR IS BORN!

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