Sunday, March 21, 2010

Health Care

I'm very excited that our Health Care plan is finally about to pass. It took way to long to happen, but better late than never. I'm happy the rest of the democrats got on board, and saw that this plan is a step in the right direction. I'm sick of listening to the conservatives complain about money, and how much this will put "America" in more dept. When all things point to the fact that it may help this countries deficit. We will not know what will happen until we try. Is it a risk, for our country? My answer is yes, but it also will save millions of lives. To me that is more important than some silly money issue or dept. Thirty million people without insurance will be insured, and people with pre-existing problems, who lose there insurance, will still continued to be covered. This plan is on the road to saving so many people's lives. I'm sick of republicans and people who have insurance complaining, because they don't know what it is like, to have cancer, or a major illness, and not have insurance. THIS IS NOT A HAND OUT PEOPLE, GET OVER YOURSELVES! Lives are at stake, we are not playing a game here, and we don't have any more time to play with this. I for once am excited about the system, and praying that it works!

Another thing that appalled me was that on Friday, when democrats were walking in to discuss the change in there vote. The "tea bag party" spit on them, called people Nigger, and Faggot! What? Conservatives are making a fool out of themselves, and making matters worse. Even if you don't like the plan, to stoop this low, and be so blatantly racist, and sexist. This scares and embarrasses me that these people exist today in our country. I'm not blaming all conservatives, or all "Tea Bag Folks" LOL, but the "tea baggers" should be ashamed of themselves. So many better ways, to go about trying to win a fight, than to name call, and such harsh name calling at that. Yay to our brave president, and prayers to the success of this plan. This could be a start to an awesome change in health care in America!

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