Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Who Do You Think You Are

There is a new t.v. show that I am becoming obsessed with on NBC. It is called "Who do you think you are", and it just touches at my heart every time I see it. It is a basic story, that follows celebrities as they find out about there ancestry, using genealogist, DNA, and public records. They travel all over the world to see where they come from. This simple story has kept me captivated, and has made me want to even dig further back in my roots. It is also emotionally amazing this show, to watch Lisa Kudrow go to Poland and see where her great grandmother, was picked up by the Nazis, and read the book where it says she was captured, tortured, and burned. Was not only an eye opener, but a heart breaking, powerful moment for Lisa. To watch Mariah, Emmitt Smiths, great great great grandmother, to see the African town she came from, and to go to where she was sold as a slave, and to see how white people paid more for cattle then a slave girl. Now there are some more positive, joyous, imagery, and things that happen on the show, but I will leave that part secret, just in case you decide to watch. These are just small examples of this beautiful show, so far only two episodes, so you haven't missed much. It is very interesting, a history lesson, and heart wrenching tale, that NBC has produced. Which the show has been done before in Europe, and is produced in the states by Lisa Kudrow! Watch it, and I'm sure your heart will be touched like mine!

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