Thursday, March 18, 2010

You Can't Tell Me There Isn't A GOD!

I woke up today feeling a little lower than usual, just blah, thinking of the future. Instead of living in the now, as I have been trying so hard to do. When my phone rang, emails were returned, surprising emails received, and prayers answered. Just when you think it is going to be a blah day, GOD shows up, and tells you I'm here my child! You can just feel it, as I walked on the streets to the gym, to meet with my trainer, and tears welled up in my eyes. Have I booked something yet? NO! I'm still on unemployment, but things are moving in an amazing direction. I am exactly where I need to be, and getting set up for the future, and conquering some of my dreams. You can't tell me there isn't a GOD, because I believe, and I know that I wouldn't be in this place without him. THANK YOU GOD!!!!!!!


  1. and when God shows up, things change...For the better:)

  2. All you can do is keep the good thoughts flowing. And it'll return to you.
