Thursday, September 16, 2010

Mrs. Warren's Profession

I had the privilege of seeing one of my favorite actors last night in the play "Mrs. Warren's Profession", starring the amazing Cherry Jones. I sat in the audience with enthusiasm as I waited for the play to begin, as I am obsessed with Cherry Jones, and all her work! The show starts and it is a very slow beginning for a comedy. Finding the first moment in this show for the actors, never quite happened. I sat up in my seat trying to force myself to get in engaged in the story. I look over and my friend Greg is falling asleep next to me. Cherry Jones makes her entrance, in one of the most extravagant and beautiful costumes I had seen on the stage in a while. At first I'm off put by her, and trying to figure out what kind of accent she was going after. As I relaxed into the piece, and as it started to get more interesting. I realized that Cherry Jones could read the A,B, C's and I would still love her. She is just captivating on stage, and she makes the most honest choices. This play is not my favorite play, but I did enjoy the work on the stage by the incredible cast. Although the one person who should hold the play together, and who was really the lead in the piece was horrific. This women's name is Sally Hawkins, as she yelled throughout the piece, and just didn't come about as honest as I would have preferred. I think they need to fire her, and recast the lead role! At first I didn't know if it was the character I hated or was it her performance. I decided in the end it was her performance, and I am not a fan. It is a shame with such a stellar cast, Adam Driver (interesting choices and beautiful work), Mark Harelik (One of the best actors I seen awhile), Edward Hibbert (Fun, Honest, and Brilliant) and lastly Michael Siberry (Who has amazing comic timing, and stole some of the scenes)! It was an interesting night at the theater, and maybe Sally Hawkins is a good actor, but just not in this piece. Cherry Jones I have seen do better work, but that last scene was gripping, and amazing! The play itself is OK, the story is kind of interesting, and it was a preview and no telling what changes they will make to it by opening night!

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