Saturday, August 29, 2009



My friend last night called me out on a few things! I was being very insecure and petty, about a situation, and I respect my friend so much for making me see the light! I don't want to be that person, that hates on others, because of my own insecurities, and fears. This was something I thought about for a while! Thanks for having a friend, that I can trust to call me out!


Last night I saw two very special cast mates perform there original music, at a small little club in Japan! Not only did I enjoy the music, but the scene made me want to fall in love again! I came out of there with a new out look on life, and love! These two sang songs about love, one about missing her love. The other about the love that was standing right next to him. My face froze, my heat pounded, as tears slowly rolled down my cheek. The music was playing all through my body, and the sounds of there angelic voices roared through my heart! When it was all done, I realized I want to fall in love!!!

Lost a Friend:

For so long, I have had a small crush on a friend, OK a huge crush, LOL, which is a strange place to be in! Last night, I opened my heart, and told the friend how I felt! The friend, didn't respond the way I wanted them too. It was a very interesting exchange, the words, crushed my heart, and tore it into pieces! I lost a friend, but gained freedom! I feel free, I don't feel locked up anymore. I finally let the cat out of the bag! Although, it didn't turn out in my favor, I'm no longer locked to a secret, and strange feelings.


I am so happy today, because I have grown about 3 inches! Last night, the tears, and crushed heart. Now I am stronger than ever, and ready to move on with my life! GROWTH, growing, learning, transitioning!!!! GOD is an awesome GOD, and I know, all these trials and searching is for a good reason! I know that LOVE will come to me soon. I'm confident, that time heals everything! If you look at me from the outside today, you may see a tear, and you may see sadness, but underneath it all the growth equals happiness.



  1. Oh Yay R. You can't see me, but I'm hugging you right now!

  2. Thanks boo! I need all the hugs I can get today!

  3. Aw, JR, this was a beautiful post...You have so much love to give and you are such a special person who will make another special person very happy...And isn't it crazy how all of it is life? The love, the joy, the pain, the sadness, the hurt, the confusion, the frustration, the peace and happiness--it's all a part of our human existence. Last night I had an amazing time sharing my music; it gives me such life to express myself, and then I end up going home to an empty hotel room and crying myself to sleep...It's a part of life. It's beautiful and hard and it chips away at the things that don't matter, leaving to us the things that do to shine brightly...Thank God that He is taking care of us, handling the details, so to speak, and that our emotions don't have to rule us in all of this!

    YOu are so great, my friend...sorry for the book-long comment...:/

  4. Thanks Jess, I got so emotional that I made myself sick! I am going in and out of happy! Tough day, but I'm sure when I wake tomorrow! I will be back, all a new! I hope? Thanks for your friendship and support! XOXOXO
