Wednesday, June 10, 2009


For the past few days, I sat at my computer reading other peoples blogs! Thinking to myself "J.R. it has been a couple of days since you wrote something new"! Hmmmm? Cricket Cricket....silence...NOTHING! I joined this site to write, because I need a new outlet to express myself. Now I'm feeling the pressure, well, the pressure to blog! Therefore, I'm writing about not having a damn thing to say! THAT'S ALL YOU GET! SORRY!


  1. totally understand...i was like that before...the pressure to be prolific. sometimes i only have one thing to say so i blog a sentence now. it's funny when u look back on your entries later and say, "what was i thinking!" btw- i totally loved rhatl too! i watched every episode...but the last ny had me dyin. think i've been in ny too long. u like nee nee b/c she acts like a girl from the hill! LOL!

  2. Friend, you shouldn't worry too much about it. People need a day off! :-)

  3. That's right, you just gotta let yourself be sometimes. If that means blogging, so be it; if not, then that's okay too.

    But there is a fine line.

    Like, we can also exercise our creativity, so to speak, and simply force ourselves to write because we want a blog that is updated more or less. So there you go--no help at all--but I only mean I know what you mean BUT I also think that sometimes we can sort of place a demand on our gift (whatever that may be) and just do it.

    Even if it turns out not as dreamy as we would have liked, at least we did it.

    And so I applaud you for writing something, my friend. ;-)

    You rock. And btw, you were awesome as Larry last night!

  4. Jessica you are amazing!!!!! Thanks my friends!!!! You are all so supportive and great!!! LOVE YA
